• Silhouette of man standing on car in front of night sky

Connecticut Environmental Justice Screening Tool

Connecticut EJ Screening Tool is an interactive resource that combines both community and data-driven approach that incorporates environmental burdens and demographic indicators. This map allows users to explore the environmental health and the conditions (socioeconomic and or other distinguishing community characteristics) within a specific region, town, city, and or entire state.

The data included in this map finalize into a score that allows users to understand the relationship between the community and environmental justice. Through the presentation of this information, citizens and policymakers alike can understand what communities are experiencing and form policies that reshape these matters.

Access CT EJ Screen Map Viewer for version 2.0

Acceda a CT EJ Screen Map Viewer para la versión 2.0

Access DataHub for version 2.0

Fact Sheet

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read the technical details on the creation of the app 

User Guides

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Data Overview

learn the specifics on the data behind the screening tool 


learn what went into creating the screening tool

In the Governor’s Council on Climate Change “Taking Action on Climate Change and Building a more Resilient Connecticut for All: Phase 1 Report, Near-Term Actions” (2021), the Equity and Environmental Justice Working Group recommended that Connecticut:

Develop, launch, maintain, and use a statewide environmental mapping tool that provides a visual representation of the spatial distribution of environmental and climate health vulnerabilities across Connecticut, taking into account the social determinants of health and utilizing indicators. Make recommendations for how the statewide environmental mapping tool could be codified and utilized in existing state programs, including the distribution of grant and bond funding. Launch a public-private interagency effort as part of the 2021 phase of the GC3 to develop the tool.

In partnership with and with funding from the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), UConn CIRCA is developing the Environmental Justice Map. Learn more about the background here.


Ways to Participate


We hope you’ll be a driving force in making this Environmental Justice Map the best it can be! It needs to be fair, accurate, and community-driven. We have so much ahead in the coming months. Please email us, apply to join the Mapping Tool Advisory Committee, send in your comments, sign up for the Resilience Roundup, attend the workshops, etc.

More details are available on our Engagement page.