New Website Launched for the CT Environmental Justice Map

We are pleased to share the new website for the CT Environmental Justice Map! Between August 2021 and August 2023, UConn CIRCA will be developing a new Environmental Justice Map for Connecticut! Following examples from Washington, Maryland, and California, this map will fulfill a key recommendation for the Governor’s Council on Climate Change Equity & Environmental Justice Working Group. (Learn more about the project background.)

While CIRCA will be managing the project, in consultation with CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, collaborations with statewide data organizations and organizations across Connecticut working in the environmental justice field will be critical to the development, design, and deployment of this tool. Two committees will be formed: State Data Advisory Committee (SDAC) and the Mapping Tool Advisory Committee (MTAC). Membership in the MTAC will be funded through the enabling grant.  (Learn more about the Project Team.) The two committees will work together and learn about each other’s work while improving the final map.

There will be several ways to participate and collaborate in addition to the two committees, including nine regional workshops  to hear directly from communities across the state.

We will soon share ways for you to stay up-to-date – Stay Tuned!